Local Government Week

Hampden Township is proud to celebrate Local Government Weekend in Pennsylvania.  With a population of nearly 33,000, Hampden Township is the most populous municipality in Cumberland County.  We are officially classified as a 1st Class Township, in more ways than one.  As such, we have a full-time (28 member) police department, the second busiest fire department in the County, a full-time Emergency Medical Service (EMS) operation, and a Township owned golf course and swimming pool.  Our 5-member Board of Commissioners thanks all of our staff for their hard work and dedication to helping make Hampden Township the best place to live, work, and recreate in accord with our motto, “Hampden Township – Where People Come First".

Hampden Township has positioned itself as a model for other local governments through its exceptional commitment to fiscal responsibility and best management practices.  The Township’s financial reporting and record-keeping practices have earned The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting which is only awarded to approximately 4,300 national governmental units and only 19 Pennsylvania townships.  The Township voluntarily participates in this annual independent review process because the elected officials and staff strive to not only meet, but exceed, the financial reporting standards of the Commonwealth.

The Township's annual budgetary process involves the collaborative efforts of the Township Manager, Finance Director, Department Heads, and the Board of Commissioners.  Hampden Township has maintained an impressive record of 47 consecutive years without a property tax increase.  Hampden’s tax milage is also a best-in-class .156 mils, which means residents pay only $15.60 real estate taxes to Hampden for each $100,000 of assessed value for the list of top services the Township provides each day.  When comparing to our neighboring governments, Hampden clearly stands out as the place to live.

Additionally, Hampden Township goes beyond traditional methods of communication with residents, utilizing innovative means such as its website, email blasts, newsletters, and social media.  The introduction of the Hampden Township Community Landmark Digital Billboard, which was built without taxpayer funds through a lease agreement with a private contractor, engages the community with relevant Township information while also generating over $60,000 in revenue each year for the Township. 

Hampden’s strategic borrowing when interest rates were at historic lows condensed a ten-year road maintenance and repair initiative into three years, resulting in reduced per-mile costs.  Also, the construction of a new township building was fully funded through savings from debt restructuring. At the end of 2024, Hampden will be able to say it has repaired and resurfaced all Township owned roads for its residents.  

In 2022, the Township requested PennDOT to study the state-owned Good Hope Road, including its “narrows” section, to ensure its major north-south corridor was upgraded for public safety.  PennDOT has recently completed their study, issued a draft report which included public comment, and will be issuing the final report in the near future so they can start the application process to receive federal and state funding to improve their roadway.

The Hampden Pool began upgrades using $2,380,000 in grant funding to reduce the Township's financial burden.  Furthermore, Hampden’s owned and self-funded Armitage golf course, which hosts over 40,000 golfers a year, will be upgrading its irrigation system this fall without taxpayer funds to help maintain its recognition as the "Simply the Best" public golf course.

Hampden proudly provides a first class park and recreation system for its residents with over 135 acres open space in seven (7) parks with miles of walking/bike paths.  In addition, the Township has completed its plans for the Smith Drive facility which will be another new addition to our parks operation, incorporating a dog park, 2 basketball courts, walking path, and a dedicated pickleball facility with 8 courts.  Fall 2024/Spring 2025 are the preliminary targets for groundbreaking at the newest park.

These initiatives by the Board of Commissioners underscore Hampden’s commitment to providing first class operations and amenities for its residents, while also ensuring fiscal accountability and efficient resource utilization.  Overall, Hampden Township's holistic approach to fiscal responsibility, transparency, and innovative practices positions it as an exemplary model for other local governments to emulate.